A friendly pit bull brought a pregnant cat home and helped her give birth

A pit bull named Hades can scare anyone with just a look. But recently he did such an unexpected act that it became clear to everyone: A kind heart beats in this big dog.

Hades lives in Mexico in the home of his owner Juan Jose Flores. When he was a puppy, a stray cat started going to the family’s yard. She never came close to Hades and the dog did not try to communicate with her, but also did not show any aggression. Juan took pity on the animal and started leaving food on the street, and the cat came more and more often.

A few days ago, Juan Mann heard a noise at the back door. He left the house and saw his pet. Hades looked excited, jumped, whined and asked the owner to follow him. Juan did not know what to expect, followed the dog, which led him to his stall, where there was the same stray cat – she was pregnant and ready to give birth to cats.

According to the man was very surprised. Everything looked like his dog had organized a comfortable birthplace for the expectant mother, giving her his own house. When labor started with the cat, Hades was next to her all the time. And then, unexpectedly, he brought her his favorite bedding, on which he usually lay in the house.

Soon two cute kittens were born. And Hades was no less delighted with them than the young mother. The dog wagged his tail, examined the children and showed no aggression at all. “I even had the feeling that he considered himself their father,” Juan recalls.

It was decided to move the family into the house. According to Juan, his pet surprised him a lot with its behavior that day. He decided to keep the cat forever, and gave it a nickname – Nicole. And when the kittens grow up, Juan will try to find a new home for them.

The man hopes that the dog’s act will change people’s attitude towards pit bulls, so that they are not considered only as the dangerous fighting dogs, as they can also be very friendly.

Source: goodhouse

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