The dog spent two days warming up and staying close to his friend who was in trouble

Not far from a village, two dogs – a female and a male – had been lying on a railroad track for two days. The details of the touching story were reported by an eyewitness on Facebook.

“Upon arrival, it turned out that a female dog was injured by the train and could not move independently! several attempts to remove the animal from the tracks proved futile, as the male dog protected her from us in every possible way!!!

At that moment I saw a train coming and I felt uncomfortable! Hearing the driver’s signal, the male went over to the female, snuggled up to her and lay down next to her!

Both animals lowered their heads and pushed her to the ground and the train went by!!! Folks, the cable did this for 2 days straight! Think about it!!! He heated it up for two days so it wouldn’t freeze, and he put himself in danger every time!”

He later said that both dogs, which had been removed from the track by tranquilizer balls, were alive and receiving medical attention: “no fractures, some bruises and bruises.”

The owners of the animal were also found! His name is Panda and hers is Lucy.

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